I want to start this update by saying a huge thank you to the Orpington Health and Wellbeing Centre, which administered its 100,000 vaccination this week.
We wouldn't have reached this milestone without the fantastic staff and volunteers working at the centre. It is one of the many places locally to which we owe thanks for their tremendous work delivering vaccines.
Thanks to the NHS vaccination programme, almost three-quarters of eligible people in the Orpington constituency have received their booster jab.
Get your jab now if you haven't got your vaccine or booster. It will protect you, your family and your community - and help keep our country open.
The NHS has delivered 192,790 vaccine doses in the Orpington constituency. Here's the breakdown:
72,371 people have received their first dose. That's about 93 per cent of people locally who are eligible for the vaccine (aged 12 and over).
67,769 people have received their second dose. This means about 93 per cent of eligible people locally are fully vaccinated (aged 16 and over).
52,500 people have received their booster jab. That's about 74 per cent of all adults locally.
Who is eligible for a coronavirus vaccine?
The NHS is offering a coronavirus vaccine to anyone aged over 16. Once you have received your first dose, you will be invited for a second dose eight weeks later to strengthen your protection. The NHS is offering all children aged 12 to 15 a first dose of the vaccine.
Some children will be offered a second dose if either:
they live with someone who is more likely to get infections (such as someone who has HIV, has had a transplant or is having specific treatments for cancer, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis)
they have a condition that means they're at high risk of getting seriously ill from coronavirus.
If an adult or a child has a weakened immune system, the NHS will contact you to offer you a third vaccine dose. This is not a booster jab. Book your appointment now.
Who is eligible for a booster vaccine?
The evidence suggests that the protection vaccines offer can wane over time. That's why the NHS is offering all adults a booster jab. You can book your booster dose online if it's been two months (61 days) since you had your second dose, and you are:
aged 30 and over
aged 16 and over with a health condition that puts you at high risk from coronavirus
a frontline health or social care worker
The NHS is working on plans to offer a booster dose to 18 to 29 year old so all adults can be offered a booster jab by the end of the year.
You will be offered appointment dates from 2 months after the date of your second dose.