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Proposed housing algorithm puts Orpington at risk

Updated: Nov 18, 2020

In Westminster  I urged the Government to reconsider the proposal to imposal local housing targets which in Bromley's case are simply not deliverable. During the House of Common's debate on planning reform and house building targets in relation to the White Paper, I told MPs how algorithms will not deliver the homes the people are proud to live in.  This new housing algorithm would require housebuilding across the London Borough of Bromley to be increased by 288% compared to the current local plan requirement. It would be impossible to meet this target without building a series of high density, high rise housing developments. These may have to be delivered by demolishing existing family housing to find sufficient space. These proposals will inevitably lead to unintended consequences and bad outcomes. Instead, we need plans for the right number of houses, in the right place, with the right infrastructure to support them. That's what I will be pushing the Government to deliver.


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